Usually sharepoint page layouts will work out in most of the requirements but what you will do if it does not meet your requirements you will have to create your own page layouts for use on the site
Creating page layout is accomplished in five steps
1. Define Site Columns
2. Define site Content Type
3. Create Page layout
4. Edit Page Layout
5. Publish and Approve Page Layout
I am going to create a new page layout called Activity page for demo, the main job of this is just to collect activity information from the administrator when it is in Edit mode and it displays data to the end user when it is in publishing mode
First i am going to define site columns these columns are directly mapped to the layout field controls on page
Define Site Columns
Site column is nothing but a reusable column that you can use in mulitple lists across multiple sites
Creating Site Column
1. Open SharePoint Site
2. Got to Site Actions
3. Site Settings
4. Galleries
5. Site Columns
6. Create
7. Enter the Activity Name under Column name textbox
8. Select type of column
9. Create new group called Activity group
10 . Select yes for require that this column contains information
11. i have taken default values for remining two which are Maximum number of charactersa and default value
12. click Ok
Repeat same steps for creating remaining site columns which are listed below
Activity Image - select type to image
Activity Description - select type to multiplie lines
Activity Workflow - select ype to image
Trainings - select type to single text
I hope that you are succesfully created remaining sitecoulmns our next step is creating Site Content Type
1. Open SharePoint Site
2. Got to Site Actions
3. Site Settings
4. Galleries
5. Site Content Types
6. Create
Please have a look into screenshot for remainig steps Our next step is to create new Page Layout
1. Open SharePoint Site
2. Got to Site Actions
3. Site Settings
4. Galleries
5. Master pages and page layouts
6. Create
Follow the screen shot for remaining steps
Next, we have to edit the page layout using sharepoint designer
Go to Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office SharePoint Desinger2007 -> File -> Open Site... -> Enter site url
You can see checked-out activity page under master page gallery refer below screen shot
You can see all site coumns under Content Fields Section just drag and drop Activity Name ,Activity Descrption, Activity Workflow, activty Image and Trainings on to activity page
Next, just right click on activity page and click on check-in and select publish a major version
Next, click on yes
After clicking yes you will be automatically redirected to Master Page Gallery there you can find all pending files to approve
For approvning these files you should have a approvel permissons then right click on activity page and click on Approve/Reject link
It will open a new page with approved, rejected and pending options just click approved radio button and give proper comments and clikc on ok
We are successfully created new page layout our next step is to create a new page using this page layout
Site Actions -> Create Page
Now you can see "Activity page layout" under layout drop down list. Fill Title and URL name textboxes and click on create button you will get a new page with place holders just populate with data and click on publish button
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