Monday, August 13, 2012

Bug in SharePoint 2010

I have created "Survey" activity feed using sharepoint object model but when I try to remove the same I am getting Not Implemented exception

Error Message :

"The method or operation is not implemented."

Code :

removeType = app.ActivityTypes["Survey"];
//getting The method or operation is not implemented.

if (removeType != null)
app.ActivityTypes.Remove(removeType); //getting The method or operation is not implemented.

removeType.ActivityTypeNameLocStringResourceFile = Survey_RFile;
removeType.ActivityTypeNameLocStringName = "Srvey _Feed_Display";
removeType.IsPublished = true;
removeType.IsConsolidated = true;

Problem :

Problem is the Remove() method is not implemented


Resoultion :

Then how can we Remove this?

We can remove the same through sql query but that is not supported by microsoft, if you still want to go ahead and remove you can use below query's

delete [ActivityTemplate] where activitytemplateid > 18
delete [ActivityType] where ApplicationID > 5
delete [ActivityApplication] where ApplicationID > 19

WTF...Do we need to wait until the microsoft releases service pack for this?